Pickle Bricks is a LEGO Blog whose aim is to help you become a better builder, collector, buyer, seller, and Fan of LEGO (FOL)
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Whether you're an Adult Fan of LEGO (AFOL), Teen Fan of LEGO (TFOL), or any other FOL, the goal of the Pickle Bricks Blog is to bring you articles that will help you become a better builder, buyer, seller, and collector!
We'll be featuring storage solutions, discounts, major LEGO news and press releases, build tutorials, as well as a variety of user submissions. If you're interested in any of this type of content, go to the bottom of this page and subscribe with your email to stay updated with any new content! Be sure to follow us on Facebook and Instagram as well, as news is usually shared there first.
The Pickle Bricks Shop also offers you the opportunity to choose from one of the widest selections of custom LEGO Compatible Accessories in the world, so you can add that little bit of extra flare whenever your custom Minifigure calls for it! Subscribers also get 10% off their first order, so that's great news if this is your first time hearing about us.
You can also shop from hundreds of thousands of new and used LEGO parts, LEGO sets, and LEGO Minifigures right on our Bricklink Store! We've been in the LEGO resale business since 2017, with 100% feedback on over a thousand orders—so we're reliable and great at what we do!
Owing true to our company motto, we're Helping put your ideas together 1 brick at a time!