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LEGO Harry Potter Sets Coming in 2022

We have some new details on which LEGO Harry Potter sets will be releasing at the beginning of 2022. Interestingly enough, Hogwarts Moment sets will continue hitting shelves even due to their somewhat lukewarm reception. This year we'll be getting the Divination and Defense Against the Dark Arts classroom—most notably, it will be Mad Eye Moody's dark arts class, and will include a pretty cool tile that contains the three unforgivable curses written below Moody's name. We'll also be getting a new addition to the Hogwarts build, with the addition of the Hospital Wing, which will undoubtedly include a first of its kind Madame Pomfrey. The setting for the Hospital Wing will be that of the Prisoner of Azkaban, where Ron is taken shortly following his rather unpleasant encounter with the Grimm—Sirius Black in dog form.

The last and most interesting addition to the lineup, what's being called LEGO Harry Potter Hogwarts Suitcase (75399), seems to be aimed at the same demographic as this year's surprise addition to the lineup—Hogwarts™ Icons - Collectors' Edition (76391). It will be a fully customizable trunk, which can be decked out in your respective Hogwarts House Colors: Gryffindor, Hufflepuff, Ravenclaw, or Slytherin; and, it can also be locked and unlocked using a brick-built key.

75396 Hogwarts Moment: Divination class 297 parts $29.99 01/01/2022

75397 HM: Defense Against the Dark Arts Class 257 parts $29.99 01/01/2022

75398 Hospital Wing 510 parts $39.99 01/01/2022

75399 Hogwarts Suitcase 603 parts $49.99 01/01/2022


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